Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer une étape importante dans l’histoire de notre entreprise !
En raison de la croissance exceptionnelle que nous avons connue ces dernières années, SILENT-YACHTS évoluera désormais vers SILENT GROUP, une entité regroupant plusieurs divisions commerciales distinctes.

En plus de notre gamme de yachts entièrement électriques, nous élargirons notre offre pour inclure des yachts hybrides.
Notre premier modèle hybride sera réalisé en partenariat avec VisionF Yachts à Istanbul, en Turquie.

Our new division SILENT-TENDERS will be launching a range of fully electric tenders in the near future.
More technical information and specifications to follow soon.

Our third division focuses on a full spectrum of management services for SILENT clients, which cover all aspects of yacht ownership.
This includes documentation, flag registration, certification, inspections, crew hirings, charter management, yacht management, maintenance and servicing.

In addition to sea trials, you now also have the possibility to book a full charter service to experience the magic of solar powered yachting.
SILENT-CHARTER will be available at our fleet base in Port Adriano, Mallorca, and around the world. In 2022, you will be able to join us for charters on our SILENT 60 and our SILENT 55.

Our brokerage division will be offering pre-owned vessels for sale owned by SILENT-YACHTS as well as our clients.

Transferring our experience and knowledge from yachting, SILENT-RESORTS develops sustainable, zero-carbon beachfront resorts in some of the most beautiful locations in the world – all powered by solar energy.
Our web shop with a full range of electric water gadgets, which complement the experience on board of a SILENT yacht, is currently still under construction.
After the relaunch, future products will also include SILENT merchandise.